Day 88 July 8th 2018 Vatnsnes Peninsula along Highway 711
The day began with a visit to Kidka Wool Factory one of the largest in Iceland with a huge selection of just about everything wool and more. Gerd planned to buy a traditional Icelandic jumper – here there were many and many were tried but just not quite right. I could not resist a Puffin head warmer which became a favourite throughout our travels.
Setting off with slight trepidation for the route 711 around the Vatsnes Peninsula – having heard tales of the treacherous drive, and spotted Tshirts proclaiming the wearer had survived the drive. Not sure if it was that we were used to unsealed roads or we travelled it at the perfect moment but not quite the adventure we anticipated.
And on to Kolugljfur farm and waterfall. A chilly but spectacular walk along the upper edges of the multiple falls of pounding water.
Borgarvirki rock fortress. Built 870 – 1030 AD using both the natural form of the rocks – a volcanic plug with a manmade structure taking advantage of the position and rock forms. A mass of rocks both those fallen from the structure and those naturally formed
Hvitserkur – These were the sea stacks we had all looked forward to. It was a reasonably steep and slippery effort to get down to the beach and there it was. It did not seem as towering as photos lead you to believe and the photo here perpetuates this but who can help it!

We stopped for a delicious seafood soup at the top of the Peninsula before heading back to Hvammstangi Hostel.
Hamarsrétt roundup – Set amidst eyestopping green fields and painted white and green painted we later found out is was a roundup for sheep. A circle of white painted wooden pailings
At Youth Hostel that evening – we were given a pamphlet announcing a concert that evening – why not. A musical treat – a Swedish choir singing one of the sagas. (See clip at end of post)