Day 46 Queen Charlotte City to Vancouver Tuesday 2nd June 2015
By Chris
We were able to have a late start today as our transfer wasn’t coming to pick us up at the B an B till midday-ish. We went out for breakfast our last at Queen B’s.
Back to finish packing and wait for the bus. I had a quick chat to the owner’s husband, Peter, a really nice guy who had lived in Tasmania for most of his life. He had converted the areas behind the lodge into a beautiful garden.
The bus arrives and we are regaled by a woman who is part of the outrigger group who had been running around the B&B. We had seem them in chaotic state at the start of our stay, and at Tanu in their outrigger canoes.
Apparently they are racers and this obviously gives them the right to be aggressive, rude, and demanding in the places they stay in. Unfortunately, as we about to get the gossip on the newer members of the team, the skipper of the boat they had been on, got on the bus and we were promptly forgotten :-).
We drive on to the ferry for the next stage of our journey over to Alliford Bay, a drive to the airport at Sandspit, and a turbo prop plane to Vancouver. From Vancouver Airport we get the train and walk to our Vancouver home.
A day of all travel options possible: Bus, Ferry, Plane, Train, Walking.
Great to see Ann and Emily again and they welcomed us warmly eager to hear of our adventures. Given our naturally reticent natures we held back!
After a great dinner of Kale and Ricotta Burritos, we walked to the latest neighbourhood sensation the “Rain or Shine” Ice-cream parlour. Flavours as lavender and honey, rhubarb and ginger, and London fog which is Earl Gray tea flavour. Today was Taco Tuesday!!!

Anyway nice to be in a place we know and feel comfortable in. Our friendship with Ann is really easy and relaxed and our conversations wide ranging. With such a lovely space and great location it is no surprise to hear her AirBnB is going so well.
After more talk off to bed.