Day 9. Ucluelet. 26 April 2015
Finally learned to say Ucluelet (you-clue-let) as the Canadians do. Though not yet as the local First Nation that is much more complex for me. The local First Nation is known as Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ (Yuu-thlu-ilth-aht).
Our revelation yesterday was sooooo on the money. Travel slow. You can’t see it all – slow down, spend a little more time in one place.

Ucluelet is our place. A great choice.
Confession – we have not been to Tofino and no regrets.
Our bedroom wakes up to a heavey mist, roiling sea, green conifers, and nothing.
We decided we would walk the Wild Pacific Trail then discovered:
a) it was not one continuous path and
b) it was raining most of the day.
We walked anyway.
This trail is largely due to the vision and initiative of a local ‘Oyster Jim’ Martin “I start from impossible and work backwards from there,” trail maverick Oyster Jim Martin said of his approach to building the Wild Pacific Trail along Ucluelet’s spectacular coastline.’
Good hearty breakfast at Barkley Café to get us on the road.
Picked the top walks we wanted to do and walked the day till cold and hunger drove us home –
RainForest walk – appropriate name given the weather.Hushed, sheltered in the forest we saw tall trees, luxuriant undergrowth, logs that looked like works of art. Discovered reading Emily Carr that the Skunk cabbage with lily like yellow flowers has a terrible smell – we did not get close enough.
Beach walk – too wild and exposed once we got down to it.
The final walks were to the Kwisitos visitors centre with a beautiful location right on the beach and a sitting lounge overlooking the coast.
Museum like, informative display of the local First nations languages and culture.
And The Bog – an unbelievable contrast to rainforest walks – and as promoted it comes alive with rain.
Scrubby trees, low marshy plants either side of a winding boardwalk. The grasses looked solid but a little test with my foot showed a layer of spongy grass with water underneath.
Back to Hanks Untraditional BBQ! – for Pork Spare Ribs, deliciously shared with local beer and the Senators vs Canadiens ice hockey on TV. Knew nothing about the game but you soon catch on – the little puck has to go in one end or another and when the locals gasp or looked shocked … so do you.