We three. Intrepid Whale and Iceberg hunters!
Day 77 Saint Anthony 4th July 2015
By Mel
The first of July had found us on a ferry ride singing Canadian songs. Today the fourth of July and a ferry ride across the Strait of Belle Isle back to Newfoundland; singing American songs for American Independence day. Joined by a fellow passenger who had been a singer in his youth.

Then on to Saint Anthony a fishing port since the early 1500’s. Instructed in correct pronunciation ‘Snantknee’. A pretty fishing village. The wharf lined with many of the awkward looking prawn boats – a regulation limiting length has meant the boats appear higher than they are long.
After lunch a whale watching tour which resulted in sighting a faraway spout and several icebergs including a far off large “berg” apparently about 100feet tall and from memory 12 miles long (first photo below).
An evening of hilarity in the dining room of the hotel which we converted to our own private bar. Many comediennes in the group.
My favourite -John asking us two questions – one was about brushes with fame the other I can’t remember but it involved our ancestry. The latter lead to great stories, the former great stories and hilarious comparisons. Brushes included Frank Sinatra, Janis Joplin, Gerry Garcia, Jack Pallance. Nothing I could write here could recreate the hilarity of the night.