Day 72 June 22nd 2018
All bags and camping equipment were ferried out to the rental car as it arrived. On review – it was not all going to fit. The most affordable option was for a roof box – not available in Reykavik we had to drive to Kevlavik. We did so packed to the roof top with Chris and I barely visible.
It was a good test drive albeit additional to our plan. On the way we noted a large Bonus supermarket next to a potential bakery for lunch.
The four of us in our crowded ‘Duster’ 4X4 navigated back to Kevlavik and watched coffee in hand, as Liz was driven off with the young rental car employee to fit the roof box. Finally returning Liz, car, and roof box. Rather than repack in full view of rental car attendees and staff we decided to drive to the supermarket before rearranging our packing.
The Bonus supermarket proved relatively easy to select our grocery supplies and after finding the Bakery with a long queue of tourists we went back to the supermarket where Gerd had spotted ready-made shrimps sandwiches. Finally we were ready to head out.
Circumnavigating Reykavik on the ring road, heading out to Pingavella National Park (pronounced Thingvella) feeling Iceland naive and excited.
At Pingavella we experienced our first history lesson, our first gorge and our first of many Foss (waterfall) the Oxarafoss – our first waterfall and a stunning walk in through a gorge lined with basalt columns.
At the falls I was mesmerised by a man setting his camera up on a rock over the water using a Gorilla tripod that looked too small for his camera. He walked away and as he did so the tripod and camera slowly slid towards the water, I called but the waterfall tumbling was louder than me. He turned just as his camera hit the water!
Pingvella National Park was particularly important during the 900 to the late 1800s during what is known as the Old Commonwealth it was a gathering place where culture was shared and people gathered with markets, music. It has an important place in the Icelandic Sagas. An Icelandic flag flies on the place of the Law stone where Iceland’s legendary Snorri Magnusson had memorised the Law Book creating the first parliament, one part of a fascinating history of Iceland

This was also the place in – Pingvellar in 1944 that Iceland declared independence from Denmark- a sepia photo at the site shows Pingavella filled with people on that day as Independence was declared by ??? who was to become the first President

The site was not without its darker side with a wide range of violent deaths arranged for various ‘criminal acts’. Included women drowned, burned at the stake. Other punishments included beheading, hanging, whipping, branding.
As we wandered around we discovered the spot where one could go Snorkelling ###. Snorkelling in freezing waters in pools – but all bar me were keen to give it a go. The water was clear, deep and photogenic with green plants around the edges and on the rocks below the surface.
As we returned to the car the Caution Divers sign we had noticed fulfilled our photographic wish by timing it perfectly for a group of divers crossing the road. It takes a lot of getting used to having daylight all night and therefore tours well into the evening.
And on we drove towards Tungafell where we discovered our accommodation was in a lovely secluded part of the world. Crossing a river rushing through a gorge just before the village the water a white green glacial flow.
Our accommodation Old Jadar was a roomy house with 2 bedrooms – the reason for mentioning this is that to make this trip slightly affordable we were often all booked in 1 room. An added bonus was the Icelandic Horses in the farmland surrounding our cottage.
What a treat. Hopefully the world can learn about service from people like Aggi and Krissi. An absolute treat. For our part dinner of fresh salmon in noodles cooked by Liz – our first Icelandic Salmon – delicate flavour, light in colour and delicious. Chris reminds me he did the dishes!
The light all night continues to amaze as we are sitting in lounge with a little Baileys Irish Cream at 11.30pm