Day 77 27 June
After a great night camping we head out for our next destination Seydifjodur,on the way we visit Hengifoss another famous Icelandic waterfall.As we have learnt each waterfall has something different and in this case it is the fact that the mountain walls surrounding the waterfall have a distinctive red banding.See details on Hengifoss

Walking down from the Foss I happened upon this sight !!
Yes it is a guy on a unicycle!
Yes he is an Australian!
Yes he was from Queensland!
Leaving the Foss we had a beautiful drive along a valley and then over a pass we arrive into the town of Eglisstadir. After fuelling up we drive out and head down a long and winding road to Seydifjodur which sits at the end of a beautiful longFjord.

A neat little town we find our accommodation quickly-a renovated hospital turned into a hostel.Unfortunately it turned out that whilst the hostel was great some of the other guests weren’t collaborative when it came to using the kitchen.Rather than work out how they might use the oven with us there was huffing and puffing until we took our lamb out.Words were exchanged-and the arrogance of the members of this certain European country was magnificently on show :-).The lamb was outstanding!!-made even more delicious by the passive irritation on show at the next table.
The town itself has been made into an art precinct with cute old buildings made into galleries.In the cobbled street in this precinct is a rainbow stretching down to the church.