Our cosy little cabin on Moja
 Photo Gallery of Moja
 Day 132  26th June 2017 to Day 135 29 June 2017

Eventually arose and “vegged out’ in the peace and quiet. With bikes already hired we decided to explore of our new island home. We took off to the northern end of the island – all of 5kms. We stopped at Ramsmora (where we had got off the boat yesterday) and appreciated the beautiful natural harbour that protects all kinds of and varieties of boats..

This sign is for the ferry at Ramsmora-and means pick me up!


The islands have a regular ferry service and we arrived at Langvik in time to see Cinderella 1 (our boat of yesterday) navigate their way in to the local jetty.These are big boats and there a lots of small islands-very impressive seamanship.

Last Friday and Saturday the Swedes celebrated Mid-summer- we are not sure that that is a good description as the days have averaged about 16 degrees and from time to time it buckets down with rain. Today was one of those days and although the photos show lots of sunshine – the weather changes on a whim.

The weather can not detract from the beauty of the place and the relaxation of pedalling around with minimal traffic. Appreciating some of the idiosyncrasies of island life.



The jetty at Långvik- to me this represents Sweden, relaxed but ordered.I will leave my bag and go talk have a coffee but I still have my place in the queue.


Långvik-inner harbour


Ramsmora-natural harbour


Berg inlet
Excuse the creases but the best map I could get-our cabin is between Ramsmora and Loka.To get a sense of scale it is only 8kms from Berg in the south to Långvik in the north.

We had a lovely day just dagging about the cabin-very restful.

Next day we rode our bikes back through Berg to the end of the road to a place called Hamn on the way back we decided to explore a place marked as “Bad” , literally bath but in this case  it met beach which was at the end of a beautiful forest track. A lovely secluded place to eat lunch  with all of four other people there, taking in the sun.






Next day packed up and made our way down to Berg for the 1130 Ferry to Vaxholm and the excitement of staying in a fortress overnight.While waiting for the ferry you could see the reality of the logistics of catering for an island life, with drive on drive cargo ship, bustling forklifts and the local postie loading up.

The ferry turned up as scheduled and we were on our way back down through the archipelago to “civilisation”.Gotta love that island life!

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