Days 20 to 21   May 1st –  2nd

The birthday trip to see African Elephants begins. Our friend Alec chose to visit Chobe National Park  to see African elephants for his 80th birthday. Alec, Janel and friends formed our small group of 8 who finally all met together at the departure lounge in Johannesberg airport. Above us a departure board with places sounding exotic and even unknown to us “Where is Maun?” “Where is Vilancolus?”

The river looked like a large delta of shining water with grass islands along the centre as we descended in our small plane, now on the river the Chobe banks were more sand and bush, across the river were grass and reed islands and beyond this Namibia. We were later to find out that within months this would be a small river through dry hills and valleys – hard to imagine.

First stop two nights in the Garden Lodge in the Botswana town of Kasane – a small town with market stalls lining the road, and lodges lining the river.

Warthogs and other wildlife strolled around our garden. On the dusty street women carried loads effortlessly balanced on their heads. Small off road areas surrounded by tarps and lined with buckets carried signs decreeing ‘Car Wash’.

The Garden Lodge was a comfortable building with wood and thatch, gardens leading down to the reeds and river.

Our upstairs room was dominated by a softly draped 4 poster bed. Looking through to the garden and the river beyond with a covered balcony to sit and watch the wildlife pass by. As we entered our room the garden was reflected in our room with Bouganvillea flowers scattered across the white linen on the bed.

Once settled we opted to go on our first river wildlife cruise. Leaving later in the afternoon and catching the sunset on return. After time inland at Kruger it was exciting to be on the water seeing wildlife on the banks. It was also our first real sight and sound of hippos honking to each other in their pods out in the river. Our guide John provided great spotting and information about the wildlife we spotted which included a lion prowling the river bank.

A particularly stunning site was actually provided by the McDonalds of the bush! A group of Impalas had gathered on white sand at dusk providing a perfect photo op.

Chris and Alec headed off on the Game Drive while Janel and I opted to hang about and relax. We did fit in a stroll along the street visiting the many market stalls. I was particularly taken with a patterned earth coloured woven tube – slightly twisted along its length, secured at one end. The seller explained it was a basket the women used to strain their home brew.

Chris and Alec had an excellent morning spotting wildlife including elephants bathing and a giraffe splaying legs to reach the ground (see photo above). Though 8.30am was a later start than the usual 6am. But we discovered the guides rationale – we would be able to see the animals going down to the water. This proved to be true as we saw a herd of elephants troop down to the river and proceed to spray water everywhere.It also included babies-quite a sight.




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One Comment

  1. Hi you two,

    good to see and read you´re having a great time.
    Best wishes from back home – Cologne –

    Marcel & Jil

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