On to the Bay of Fundy and Hopewell Rocks – a very photographed Canadian scene. How would it shape up in real life?
Over thousands of years, the Bay of Fundy’s rapidly rising and falling tides have shaped the coastal landscape. The Hopewell Rocks are also called the Flowerpot Rocks shaped by glaciers, wind, rain and the highest tides in the world.
Once off the bus and fed, I was a bit desperate to move so managed a quick, fast walk on one of the trails to the L’Anse cove. A pretty tree covered path with a view of the sea and worn cliffs at the end.
Back in breathless time to join the group for the tidal walk.
Our ‘Ears’ were again a bonus on the ocean floor. Tested by some of us as we tramped far from the guide. I was intrigued to watch a family move beyond the barrier roped off and marked “Danger Do Not Go Beyond This Point” without a thought.
Amazing to watch spots over time and see the change in tide levels. The following sets are about 10 minutes apart.
Back in Saint John. It’s washing night.
Found the laundry in the swimming pool area.
Trudged past Steve and others relaxing in the hot pool while I watched the washing rotate.. . . .
Well really – we hung out in the bar between running in and out of the pool area plugging coins into the machines.
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