Day 1. Landed in Vancouver. 18th April 2015
We finally made it. The start of our BIG adventure!
Amazing flight into Vancouver surrounded by snow topped mountains, sea and rivers.
Cathay Pacific were AMAZING – our new favourite airline!
Interesting flight with barely a passenger under 80 – many cultures and multiple languages spoken. We were not sure whether it was normal on this flight tho a crew member said its a tough gig. Few on board took any notice of the Fasten Seat Belt sign or crew instruction. The crew were constantly having to (and did) clean the toilets.
I don’t think I have ever seen a staff work so hard, and so pleasantly.
Landed to find the dual language immediately apparently and I really want a Chariot!!We easily found our lovely apartment. We were met by Maha who gave us a great introduction making it easy to see we had a perfect spot and everything we needed.
First step – a load of washing! Followed by exploration of our neighbourhood.
Quickly established we are in the LGBT part of town – a revelation assisted by the giant rainbow painted on the hotel opposite.

We have many, many, restaurants close by and are in the heart of the city, opposite a lovely looking Tapas restaurant.
Dinnner – “Lets go to the lovely little tapas restaurant across the road”. What a treat it was – Bin 941 Tapas Parlour. It was full so we only had the option of a little bar bench down the back till a table was available – when a table was found we were already very happy on our bench bar.
Stand out dish for me was chargrilled cauliflower with a tsatziki and spiced sauce. It was delicious – even to the cauliflower hating vegetarian.

A serve of fries reminded us Canada is close to the USA.
Bin941 features in a number of photos on Urbanspoon owing to its impressive presentation – a delicately balanced high tower of thin fries