Day 2. Vancouver. 19th April 2015
Day 2 of our big adventure. A later start than anticipated owing to a 4am-wide-awake-wake-up that required tea with peanut butter on toast!
Began the day flying over Canada!
Actually we walked down to Canada Place to Flyover Canada where we were guided through a simulated flight across Canada. Complete with water spray at appropriate moments.
Despite our proprosed itinerary for the next 4 months taking us across Canada, this was quite an introduction. An amazing illusion as you dipped and dived from coast to coast. More than once I found myself lifting my feet up so they did not dip in water or catch something we flew over.

Throughout our walk around Canada Place we were surrounded by young girls in glitter, sequins, pouffy hair and extensive make up. Discovered it was the national Cheerleader titles. Tempted to join or at least have a look but there was an entrance fee and a few too many ballet Mum types to make it comfortable.
Walked Vancouver ending up in the lovely little Granville Island. Got there too late for the market but time enough for the Granville brewery where we discovered a beer paddle is not a series of small shot-like glasses but 5oz glasses of which there were I think 8 or 9. We managed.

Found our new home a seaside village of beautiful little houses built along the water line with moorings beside some of them. And one for sale!!