Day 40 – 41 May 21st and 22nd 2018

So today’s plan is up and at ’em at 6am to get a flight to Addis and then to drive down south.

Yeah-that was the plan!

The reality at the airport was our 9.40 flight cancelled and replaced with one at 12.45. The one at 1245 couldn’t take off because of high winds and some passengers were off loaded with our bags. They went on a more lightly loaded plane.

The pilot gave it full bore and we catapulted our way into the friendly skies. We were met at the airport and had an unexpected night in Addis.

Next day we woke up early to make up yesterday’s lost time. It took time leaving Addis’s early morning chaos and finally we reach open country.

What a difference to the North -lots of green fields, brown soil and larger houses.

Typical Dorze House

After a long drive we arrive at a Dorze village, greeted by members of the local Dorze people. The architecture is unique – the huts are woven and stand very tall. Described as Elephant houses because there shape represents an Elephant head.

We were invited into a house where once our eyes adjusted to the limited light,  we could observe hand spinning and later the playing of the local stringed instrument.


Pandanus leaves have many uses and waste is minimal. They are used for everything including making flour as well as them using them as plates. Splitting the stems enables make strands for making twine. Bread is made from finely shaving the stem, fermenting the mix and making flat bread over the fire.


Making bread with “False Banana” plant

As part of the tour we partook in samples of the local spirit, along with singing and dancing. Whilst engaging it was not our favourite type of visit though for Mel dancing, and learning different styles of dance is always welcome!

In the next days we were fortunate enough to be guided in different ways around villages that observed people doing what they do or observing the architecture.

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