Urumqi to Almaty Day 12 11th May- Day 13 12th May
We spent a lazy day retracing our steps.First back to the museum and then the grand Bazaar for lunch and grocery shopping.
At the museum we had a long chat with Dave from Boston who was two months through a three month trip. He was trying to travel without using aircraft.He had left the states by freighter and had travelled through the “Stans” and had entered China through Kashgar. Not really knowing where he might end up.
Our guide came and took us to the station where I had my preciousFinnish knife confiscated.Tried to work out how to check it in but no luck.
Arrived in at about 12 passport check left after many extraordinary police checks.One on arrival one while we were waiting for the train to have the bogey changed.That policeman said we could walk into town to have lunch.He didn’t tell his mates because half way to the restaurant we had a police van turn up with lights flashing and a demand for passports -surrounded by guys with riot shields we obeyed.Fortunately a fellow passenger,Anson, spoke Mandarin and he told us the police had made him responsible for us :-).We had a great lunch with our fellow travellers.Eduardo and Julia from Brazil and Paul from Berlin, along with Anson who organised a great lunch.
Back to the station and X-ray bag check.Another passport check.Then a formal departure check with another passport check by the same guy.Then a full bag search.Then a search of photos on our mobile phone and iPad.Two more passport checks before boarding the train
Left China boarded and were then by Kazakh immigration who were very friendly had a cursory review of our luggage then processed us on board.We waited for another three hours then on to Almaty.
Although we were scheduled to arrive at 0558 the next morning we found out from the cabin attendant that we would actually be in Almaty by 11pm that night.With the help of whatsapp we made contact with the driver and re organised our pick-up.
Picked up by driver Ramil at station and said good bye to our new friends.