A parody of the sign at Auschwitz-instead of work makes you free-it says Art makes you free.
Day103 28th May 2017
Having been beaten the day before by the tram system we headed back this time to visit the Schindler museum.Thwarted by queues we opted to go next door to the Mocak and we ended up being very glad we did.Quick coffee and then hit the gallery which was currently running an exhibition called Art in Art.The main theme was to question role of the arts and indeed the artist and at one level was a gigantic piss-take as you will see from the photos.We both loved it and really enjoyed the variety of the exhibits.
A modern take on Vermeer’s “Girl with a pearl earring”Retailing goes classical!
The three graces
Botticelli’s version of the three graces
A new twist on Warhol!
Hunting a Dangerous Villain-A comment a martial law in Poland-all looks tranquil unless you bother to look deeper.
When seen live-quite perturbing!
“The end of the world by accident”-These are death notices of famous people (deliberately misspelt) all dated the same day! Notice some famous Aussies.
A list of massacres that had framed hand towels with the residue of hand washing-each one had a bowl beneath it.The moral was basically you can wash your hands of something but the stain remainsYo Dudes!